• 학술상
  • Best Paper Award
  • 2024
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연도 구분 학술상 성명 소속 제목
2024 춘계 Annual Scientific Award 최동환 아주대병원 The timing of plasma and red blood cells in a 1:1 ratio is related survival and functional outcomes in multiple trauma patients with severe traumatic brain injury: a retrospective multicenter study
Young Investigator Award 정신석 삼성서울병원 Enhancing Emergency Surgical Care: The Impact of Acute Care Surgery Services on Efficiency and Timeliness at Samsung Medical Center
Young Investigator Award 윤기영 세브란스병원 7-days Night Coverage System led by Surgical Intensivist
Travel Grant Anten Peter Jonish Christian Medical College, India Factors influencing discharge against medical advice at a Level 1 trauma centre in India
추계 Annual Scientific Award 장예림 서울아산병원 Survey Regarding Changes in the Operation System of the Intensive Care Unit according to Government Doctor Standoff
Young Investigator Award 서동민 아주의대 Prediction of Massive Transfusion in Trauma: A Nationwide Cohort Study
Travel Grant 박주홍 아주의대 Identifying Survival Thresholds Based on RBC Units in Massive Transfusion for Severe Trauma Patients: A Multi Institutional Study in South Korea


연도 구분 학술상 성명 소속 제목
2023 춘계 Annual Scientific Award 박관훈 국민건강보험공단 일산병원 Can a Trauma surgeon affect the treatment of pelvic fracture patient in a local emergency center?
Young Investigator Award 우현경 경북의대 Factors Affecting the Length of Stay for Trauma Patients by Hospitalization Type
Young Investigator Award 김도훈 의정부성모병원 The role of laparoscopic surgery for management of abdominal trauma
Travel Grant 김소희 국군수도병원 Development and evaluation of simulation program for the initial nursing care on patient with severe trauma for nurses
Travel Grant 장현석 전남의대 Association of CT hypotension complex in early mortality in patients with traumatic Injury
추계 Annual Scientific Award 이겨라 가톨릭의대 Usefulness of Venous to Arterial Carbon Dioxide Tension Difference Measurement in Patients Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit after Surgery : A Retrospective Study
Young Investigator Award 서동민 아주의대 Efficacy of Direct to Operation Room Trauma Resuscitation: A Systematic Review
Travel Grant 신인식 원주세브란스기독병원 The Effectiveness of Mitochondria DNA and Beta 2 Microglobulin to Predict AKI in Critically ill Surgical Patients


연도 구분 학술상 성명 소속 제목
2022 춘계 Annual Scientific Award 안성백 울산의대 Increased Abdominal Pressure worsens Clinical outcome in Critically ill surgical patients: A Multicenter Prospective Observational Study in Korea
Young Investigator Award 이강윤 일산병원 The risk factors of Acute aggravation in mild COVID-19 patients
Young Investigator Award 윤석화 국립중앙의료원 An analysis of missed injuries in patients with severe trauma
Travel Grant 정기재 서울아산병원 Risk Factors for Cognitive Impairment in Critically ill Surgical Patients
Travel Grant Masatoku Arai Nippon Medical School Successful management of entero-atmospheric fistulas during open abdomen treated with the baby bottle nipple in combination with negative pressure wound therapy: a case report
추계 Annual Scientific Award 강병희 아주의대 Early experience of resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of aorta in management of unstable pelvic fracture in Republic of Korea
: A retrospective multi-institutional study
Young Investigator Award 이정현, 최미정 서울의대 Clinical analysis of factors associated with 30-day mortality in critically-ill patients who underwent emergency gastrointestinal perforation surgery
Travel Grant 경규혁 울산의대 The relationship of hemoglobin level and organ function in brain-dead donors


연도 구분 학술상 성명 소속 제목
2021 춘계 Travel Grant Wei-Syun Hu China Medical University Hospital Risk of new-onset atrial fibrillation among heart, kidney and liver transplant recipients: insights from a national cohort study
Travel Grant 박찬희 서울아산병원 Clinical outcome and factors affecting the outcome in patients with sepsis caused by intraperitoneal infection
Young Investigator Award 임경훈 경북의대 Risk Factor Analysis of Trauma-induced Thrombotic Microangiopathy-like Syndrome
Young Investigator Award 김마루 가톨릭의대 CT-Anthropometric Analysis for Prognosis of Traumatic Brain Injury: Retrospective Sttudy between Psoas and Masseter Muscle
추계 Annual Scientific Award 박혜정 연세의대 Prediction of renal function recovery using urine output, NGAL and creatinine in surgical critical patients after continuous renal replacement therapy
Young Investigator Award 이겨라 가톨릭의대 Clinical importance and characteristic features of secondary culture test after surgery due to abdominal sepsis: a retrospective study
Travel Grant 허윤정 단국의대 Is it enough to administer a single dose of fibrinogen concentration in massive traumatic hemorrhage?


연도 구분 학술상 성명 소속 제목
2020 춘계 Best Oral Presentation 임경훈 경북의대 Clinical Characteristics of Trauma-induced Thrombotic MicroAngiopathy
Best Oral Presentation 김성집 울산의대 The outcome of ECMO in the major trauma patient with shock
추계 Annual Scientific Award 하계성 연세원주의대 What are radiologic findings to predict failure of conservative management for blunt renal injury patients: Single center experience for 13 years
Travel Grant 조아라 서울의대 The efficacy of polymyxin B hemoperfusion in patients with abdominal septic shock with APACHE II score more than 30
Travel Grant 정필영 연세원주의대 Factors that influence the survivals of traumatic cardiac arrest: who survive more?
Young Investigator Award 유기상 성균관의대 Can Acute Care Surgery System Improve Outcome of Patients With Appendicitis?
Young Investigator Award 이지연 연세의대 Comparison of outcomes according to the age of patients treated in intensive care unit immediately after surgery


연도 구분 학술상 성명 소속 제목
2019 춘계 Young Investigator Award 전진우 한림의대 화상외과 Reliability of resting energy expenditure in major burns : Comparison between measured and predictive equations
Young Investigator Award 박영준 가톨릭의대 Initial experience of PMX-B hemoperfusion in abdominal septic shock
Travel Grant Award 최정필 울산의대 Preoperative lactate level as a prognostic value of postoperative mortality in patients with acute bowel ischemia
Young Investigator Award 윤경원 성균관의대 Feasibility of Gastrografin Challenge for Adhesive Small Bowel Obstruction: A Pilot Study
Travel Grant Award 이재길 연세의대 The association of endothelin-1 and injury severity in trauma patients. –preliminary result
추계 Annual Scientific Award 장지영 연세원주의대 Effectiveness of hemostatic gauze use in preperitoneal pelvic packing for hemodynamic instability due to severe pelvic fracture
Travel Grant Award 강민구 성균관의대 외과중환자실에서 Antibiotics Stewardship Program의 적용 경험
Annual Scientific Award 이윤현 국군수도병원 Investigation of Coagulopathies and its Relevance with Mortality and Transfusion Rates Using Thromboelastography in Trauma Patients.


연도 구분 학술상 성명 소속 제목
2018 춘계 Annual Scientific Award 유기상 성균관의대 Efficiency of Computerized Insulin Infusion on Glucose Control in Critically Ill Patients
Young Investigator Award 김영남 부산의대 중환자실에서의 통증, 진정, 섬망 사정을 위한 시뮬레이션 중심의 교육프로그램 개발
Young Investigator Award 경규혁 울산대학교병원 Acute Hyperglycemia and Liver steatosis in Brain-Dead Donors
Travel Grant Award Mitsuaki Kojima Tokyo Medical and Dental University A Training Curriculum for the Acute Care Surgeons; 11-Year Experience in Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Travel Grant Award Wataru Takayama Tokyo Medical and Dental University The impact of blood type O on mortality of severe trauma patients: A retrospective observational study
추계 Annual Scientific Award 유기상 성균관의대 Early experience of acute care surgery system: single center experience in Korea
Young Investigator Award 김미경 연세의대 The Role of Modified Early Warning Score in Critically-ill surgical patients in terms of ICU readmission
Young Investigator Award 방휘재 연세의대 Delta neutrophilindex for predicting mortality in trauma patients who underwent emergent abdominal surgery
Travel Grant Award 정필영 연세원주의대 The single institution experience about endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreaticography(ERCP) in the pancreatic injury of children
Travel Grant Award 김은영 가톨릭의대 Analysis of pre-transplant resuscitation factors influencing immediate graft function after deceased donor kidney transplantation


연도 구분 학술상 성명 소속 제목
2017 춘계 Annual Scientific Award 윤혜영 Experiences of Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP) after Surgery or Trauma
Travel Grant Award 길은미 성균관의대 Classifying Extreme Hyperbilirubinemia in Critically Ill Patients Admitted to an Intensive Care Unit
Travel Grant Award 김호현 부산의대 Malnutrition and Clinical Outcome in Severe Trauma Patients: A Single Center Study
Young Investigator Award 백종관 한림의대 Percutaneous Dilatational Tracheostomy Using a Light Source in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit
Young Investigator Award 하계성 Hemostatic Effect and Complications of Preperitoneal Pelvic Packing in Patients with Hemodynamic Instability due to Pelvic Fracture
Best Poster Award 장지훈 경북의대 Acute Superior Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis after Abdominal Blunt Trauma
Best Poster Award 최영운 연세원주의대 Analysis of Mortality and Preventable Death Rate of Critical Pathway Patients from 2015 to 2016 in Single Center Experience

Best Paper Award

연도 구분 학술상 성명 소속 제목
2017 학회지 Best Paper Award - Top First Award 송명제 명지병원 Acute Care Surgery Model for Emergency Cholecystectomy
Best Paper Award - Excellence Award - 선현우 울산의대 The Role of Whole-Body Computed Tomography in Severely Injured Patients Retrospective Single Center Cohort Study
Best Paper Award - Excellence Award 강동연 전남의대 Therapeutic Options in Patients with Traumatic Splenic Injury
2018 학회지 Best Paper Award 신인식 연세원주의대 Delta Neutrophil Index for Predicting Mortality in Critically Ill Surgical Patients with Acinetobacter baumannii Pneumonia
2019 학회지 Best Paper Award 장지영 연세원주의대 Risk Factors Associated with Mortality of Patients with Pelvic Fractures and Hemodynamic Instability in a Korean Trauma Center
2020 학회지 Best Paper Award 최문석 성균관의대 Evaluation of Medical Emergency Team Activation in Surgical Wards
2021 학회지 Best Paper Award 임희정 삼성서울병원 Efficiency of Computerized Insulin Infusion Glucose Control in Critically Ill Patients
2022 학회지 Best Paper Award 이주현 고려의대 Pharmacological Interventions on Surgical Intensive Care Units Initiated by Pharmacists(Journal of Acute Care Surgery 2021;11(1):1-5)
2023 학회지 Best Paper Award 이성호 국민건강보험공단 일산병원 Procalcitonin as a Predictive Factor for the Clinical Outcome of Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019
2024 학회지 Best Paper Award 박관훈 국민건강보험 일산병원 Preventable Death Rate of Trauma Patients in a Non-Regional Trauma Center